
Most Viewed Artwork

I was browsing through my statistics today on Fine Art and Red to see how many visitors had stopped by to see my artwork. I was surprised at which pieces had the most views, and also how high some of the numbers were! Interestingly, the popular artworks on the two sites are completely different from one another. Here is a quick look at the most popular original art, celebrity art, commissioned portraits, and photography from my two galleries. (All the pics are courtesy of Fine Art America because they provide an easy linking option!)

Thanks to everyone who has visited my art galleries! :)

Top Artworks by Views on Fine Art

Original Art Work

8,643 views as of 11/17/2010 (Currently the most viewed piece of all my art on FAA.)

Photography Prints

Celebrity Art Work

8,447 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online

Commissioned Portraits

4,745 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online


876 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online

Top Artworks by Views on Red

Original Art Work

1,499 views as of 11/17/2010

Art Prints

Celebrity Art Work

4,729 views as of 11/17/2010 (Currently the most viewed piece of all my art on Red Bubble.)

Art Prints

Commissioned Portraits

293 views as of 11/17/2010

Photography Prints


403 views as of 11/17/2010

Art Prints