
Most Viewed Artwork

I was browsing through my statistics today on Fine Art and Red to see how many visitors had stopped by to see my artwork. I was surprised at which pieces had the most views, and also how high some of the numbers were! Interestingly, the popular artworks on the two sites are completely different from one another. Here is a quick look at the most popular original art, celebrity art, commissioned portraits, and photography from my two galleries. (All the pics are courtesy of Fine Art America because they provide an easy linking option!)

Thanks to everyone who has visited my art galleries! :)

Top Artworks by Views on Fine Art

Original Art Work

8,643 views as of 11/17/2010 (Currently the most viewed piece of all my art on FAA.)

Photography Prints

Celebrity Art Work

8,447 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online

Commissioned Portraits

4,745 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online


876 views as of 11/17/2010

Sell Art Online

Top Artworks by Views on Red

Original Art Work

1,499 views as of 11/17/2010

Art Prints

Celebrity Art Work

4,729 views as of 11/17/2010 (Currently the most viewed piece of all my art on Red Bubble.)

Art Prints

Commissioned Portraits

293 views as of 11/17/2010

Photography Prints


403 views as of 11/17/2010

Art Prints


Artist Gallery Site Reviews

I plan to review 3 websites that have free artist galleries, and allow comments, contests, prints, etc. for artists. These reviews will be posted under the Articles and Reviews section of my website. I have personally joined each of these websites, and so I hope to offer information for artists who may be looking to promote their work using these sites.

These are the 3 sites that will be reviewed, in order:

1. Fine Art America (Premier online marketplace for buying, selling, and creating fine art prints.)

FAA (my personal favorite for selling prints) offers many features for the aspiring artist. There are free accounts, and paid "Print on Demand" accounts with a $30 yearly fee for selling prints and cards of your art. You set print prices, and they pay 10% commission on materials.

2. Red Bubble (Imagine your local café, but with more artists and less coffee.)

Red Bubble is user friendly and offers attractive artists galleries, and a thriving art community. Membership is free, prints can be offered by using a percentage mark-up on your work.

3. Taltopia (Catch Phrase: Claim Your Fame!)

Taltopia is geared toward all arts including performing arts, music, and visual arts such as painting and photography. This site offers a gallery and some interaction with other artists, but is not a printmaking website. (I just recently joined this site, so I will leave it till last so I can use more of the features.)

Reviews of these sites will be in depth, include pros and cons,
and an overview of all their features!
Watch for the first review, Coming Soon!

Customizing Portraits

Pencil portraits from photos make great gifts, but let's face it, not every photo is perfect. Sometimes the wind blows hair around, the person doesn't look right at the camera, or bad lighting emphasizes flaws.
Everyone likes to look their best, and this is especially true for a hand drawn portrait, since it will be a lasting memento. I offer customizing of portraits and can work with you to ensure flaws seen in the photo are not found in the portrait.
Here is a list of a few portrait adjustments I have made by request:
  • Leave out wind blown hair
  • Smooth frizzy hair
  • Align eyes to look straight out
  • Straighten teeth
  • Adjust Clothing
  • Remove Double Chin
  • Smooth/Remove Blemishes from Skin

Other customizations include drawing people from different photos together and adding a hand drawn background.

Contact me and let me customize a portrait for you!

Check out my recently completed portrait!

Art Prints


2009 Review

Well, here it is almost then end of January 2010 and I am finally able to post a review of 2009. I was surprised to look back and see that I had posted quite a number of drawings. You can see a sample of some of those drawings and also photographs from 2009 below.

However, another pleasant surprise was the increase in the number of visitors to It has grown steadily since the sites' launch, as illustrated by the chart below.

While these numbers may be small compared to other sites, the consistent increase makes me happy that my work has seen some results.

Thanks to everyone who visited, contacted me, and ordered in 2009!

2009 Pencil Drawings In review:

Photography Prints

Art Prints Art Prints Art Prints Art Prints Sell Art Online Sell Art Online Art Prints Art Prints

2009 Photos In review:

Art Prints

Photography Prints

Photography Prints

Sell Art Online

Sell Art Online Sell Art Online Photography Prints Sell Art Online Art Prints Photography Prints Photography Prints Art Prints

PS - If you want a great free counter like I use, visit: